
Coinshow Change Log

Get Inisghts into the updates that have been made on the Coinshow Website.

Initial Release     November 14, 2020

Included in the Initial Release:

Minor Update     November 15, 2020

Included Bug Fixes and Minor Feature Additions:

Minor Update     November 19, 2020

Included Bug Fixes and Minor Feature Additions:

Large Update     November 26, 2020

We've made multiple changes to the AI Grader to improve grading accuracy and provide a better experience.

Automatic Cropping
We've created an automatic cropper, so that you don't have to do it yourself. When you select an image, the AI Grader will crop it for you. If our grader cropped your image correctly, you can use it for grading. If it didn't, you still have the option to crop your image manually.
Faster Calibration
We've improved the image calibration algorithm to greatly improve calibration speeds. Although we've improved calibration speeds, processing speeds have been reduced as we've added additional features to the grader.
Mark Detection
We did something that we previously thought was insanely difficult to do and added mark/spot detection. Marks and spots detected are factored in when determining the mint state grade of a coin. To coincide with this, we've also added three additional images to the AI Grader. You'll now see the "beacons" image, "practical beacons" image, and "marks and spots" image when grading your coins. On top of all of this, we added "digital fingerprints", a fun feature that converts the marks and spots on your coin to a single line of unicode.
And More!
  • We've added a fourth "thresholding" image that appears when grading your coins.
  • When grading your coin, a graph now appears in the grading results.
  • The cropper is now hidden while your coin is calibrating.

Minor Update     November 27, 2020

Included Minor Feature Additions:

Large Update     December 14, 2020

We've made multiple changes to the AI Grader to improve grading accuracy and provide a better experience. We've also added a new tool, the Coin Poser, along with a few other changes.

Hairline Detection
We've added hairline detection to the AI Grader. An image showing your coin's hairlines will now be generated, and your coin will be grouped into a "hairline category" too. These categories consist of No Hairlines, Mild Hairlines, Frequent Hairlines, and Extreme Hairlines. This means that your Mint State Coins will now receive more accurate grades!
Other AI Grader Updates
We've improved other parts of the AI grader too. The algorithm used by the Automatic Image Cropper has been slightly updated. We've also made minor UI improvements to the grader. When grading a coin, you'll now receive an image of your coin inside of a computer-generated cardboard coin flip. Also, the curve on the graph now bounces when you hover over it.
Coin Poser
We've added a new tool, the Coin Poser. This fun tool takes an image of your coin, and generates multiple images of the coin in cool and interesting poses. Try it Now!
And More!
  • We've updated the AI Grader History so that you can now see the username of who graded a coin.
  • The Image Center now accepts Search Parameters in its URL.

Minor Update     December 17, 2020

Included Minor Fixes:

Minor Update     December 25, 2020

Included Minor Updates:

Small Update     January 27, 2020

Included in the Update:

Small Update     January 28, 2020

Security Changes and other Changes Included in the Update:

Minor Update     Febraury 9, 2020

Included Minor Changes:

Major Update     February 23, 2020

New features added in the update:

We've also made other small improvements: